blue and yellow boxcutter

Staring at my laptop screen for longer than ten minutes or until the screen goes blank

Is one of my super powers.

Or reading kafka and feeling fat

Filling empty bottles with boxed wine

Toxicating my room and taking a long walk to let it defume

Feeling guilty for watching cheap tv

Food confuses and annoys me

And violence seems to pass above me

What scares me most is other humans interacting

Their voices terse and loud and too much to say

I want a pair of black boots to wear when I feel bad, so I can stomp on the world to let it know what I think of it

And a pair of glasses to hide behind when the words I read overcrowd my mind

I want to sleep through both summer and winter but live twice as long.

There are too many wires in my life

Before                          After

pencil shavings on my carpet and jam in my hair by adam coates